Animated wallpapers are applications that place special animations, screen savers and media files directly on the desktop. This makes them different from a typical desktop wallpaper, which is just an image in the background. These applications allow full-fledged 3 dimensional animations, screen savers and media files to be displayed directly in the background. So, if a user is looking for something a little more interesting than animated gif images, this is the perfect application to install. The application includes a standard wallpaper changer which can be configured to cycle through the images. This is just a slideshow that is computer operated and changes the image as per the configuration.

Animated desktop wallpapers is a high quality replacement for the common desktop wallpapers. A distinctive feature is that along with simple beautiful images, it offers the user a real living world, full of sounds and movement. For instance, some animated desk tops can convey the time of the day through audio-visual effects representing the periodic cycle of the dawn, dusk and night on the desktop. Watching an animated wallpaper on a desktop is a great way to relax after a long and exhausting work day.

Amimated wallpapers can be customized adding images, movies, sound clips and other media resources to it. It is a decorator's dream as it allows him to effortlessly add animated themes to a computer's desktop. Animated wallpapers are very convenient to use as they are not a strain on the computer's memory or a drag on it's performance. They work quietly in the background without taking up too many system resources, unless specialized applications are required to run the animation. The program controlling an animated wallpaper is enabled with six themes. An user can set flash files as animated wallpaper as well. This is easy to use and most commands and functions are immediately accessible. The above functionalities and features have contributed to animated wall papers becoming extremely popular with computer users.

Typical desktop wallpaper would be a static image or picture used. Most people prefer to have wall papers on their choice. The choice of wall papers depends on factors like age, belief, profession etc. Wall papers used must be attractive and hence special attention must be given while choosing it. Animated wallpapers make a huge difference and it will surely attract people of all ages and professions. It grabs the attention quickly. They allow a full fledged 3 dimensional animations, screen savers and other media files to seamlessly integrate in the background. They support all forms of files and are not restricted with gif or jpeg files. A power point presentation can be made using many images which will run through a cycle. The series can be configured by the user.

Usual desktop wallpapers can be effectively replaced with animated wallpapers. They draw special attention and have got distinctive features. Beautiful images can be integrated with any multimedia document and can be played. Some of them can also portray any real world information in the form wallpapers like a clock, calendar and other reminders running on the screen. Special audio-video effects can be enforced which might give a pleasant feeling. Watching animated wallpaper after a long and hectic work day is a great way to relax. It might be a soothing and comforting feel.

Animated wallpapers can be created by the individuals and it can be customized according to the specific needs. Adding animated themes to the computer is an easy way to decorate the computer. They can have no negative impact on the system's performance as they do not consume any extra resources. They are very light weight processes and can be integrated without affecting the performance. One might even turn off the animation while working on some process to save the consumption of resources. A thundering bolt and a waterfall will surely give a peace of mind and comfortness when looked at it. The various features and functionalities have contributed to the raging familiarity of animated wallpapers.

Anime wallpaper has become a big hit nowadays with several of your favorite characters being portrayed in their outfits and their weapons of choice. Just like the comic book heroes these anime heroes have also been put on wallpapers for your room. However you will find that most of the wallpapers are the kind that you set up on your PC or Mac desktop.

If you love your anime cartoons then you will probably love to see them each and every day and the best way to do this is by getting anime wallpaper. This wallpaper can be set in the design of your favorite anime character and you can put them on your computers desktop. Many people enjoy watching these anime cartoons whether young or old and that is why many of these wallpapers are downloaded everyday. The pictures or anime wallpaper can be in any color you want and some even come in black and white. Some of these wallpapers can have wonderful Japanese art invoked in them and they usually look cool being on your desktop.

The wallpapers can feature characters from your favorite anime series such as Naruto, Samurai Chaploo, Karas, Bleach, Hell Sing and many more. They can also feature your favorite anime movie characters such as the ones in Full Metal Alchemist, Ninja Scroll, Matrix and even characters from the US animation cartoon movies. Manga comic's characters are also featured in wallpapers that you can place on your desktop.

Try getting this animation wallpapers from various websites and you will find that most are in three dimensional or two dimensional. The good thing is that when you get tired of looking at one character you can always go back online and look for another.

If you stick to your computer for most part of the day at work or at home, it's no surprise in today's advanced technological world. The virtual world of the 'paperless' office, soft copy projects, need for updated information etc, all can push you towards more PC usage. Sooner or later you will be checking and surfing websites, writing and receiving emails, editing family photos and maybe getting sneak peek into the social networks.

Whatever your age and whichever field of work you may be associated to, the first thing that you watch for some heavy initial seconds on the computer screen is the desktop wallpaper. Before you start venturing on your blog, website, photo shopping an image or downloading music and video files, you would just love to see a fluttering butterfly, the highly magnified raindrops, the enigmatic sunset or the warm sunshine on a turquoise ocean- each one depicted by desktop wallpaper. Unless your desktop is cluttered with files and software, you can enjoy these great scenes all the time, otherwise the initial half a minute or so before desktop appearance is all you get for a wide, clear image.

Whenever you open the computer, wallpapers are the first thing that you will see. In a single day you will see the wall paper many times. Having unique and refreshing wall paper can change your mood. You can choose the wallpaper for your computer according to your profession, passion and interest. There are hundreds of free wallpapers available online. One can download these wallpapers and can use them in their computers. You can get the pictures displayed at random on your screen or can select a single one. If you have installed graphic editing tool in your computer, you can create your own background images. Creating wallpaper is not a big task if you download the editing tools from different websites. You can even add special effects to the wallpaper created by you.

Nature photographs are an attractive option for imagery. If you are a nature lover you will want to install this type of wallpaper on your computer. The nature photographs will give a soothing effect to the person looking at it. You can install self- clicked nature photographs as wallpaper. You can also share the wallpaper with like minded persons. There is no shortage of websites providing nature photographs as wallpapers. Animal wallpapers also come under nature wallpapers. You can get the beautiful pictures of wildlife from different parts of the world. Pictures of flowers, birds and wild animals add freshness to the person seeing it. The pictures of streams and ice-covered mountains are also a good choice as nature wallpapers. People who love adventure can have the pictures of wildness to decorate the screen. You can change that wallpapers when you get bored of one picture.

The latest trend in computer wallpapers are the anime style themes. You can have the pictures of your favorite cartoon or animated characters as your computer wallpaper. These characters are usually portrayed with the special outfits and the weapons. If you are person loving anime cartoons, then you can consider this option. Many young and old people like watching anime cartoons and such people will love to have animated wallpapers in their room or on their computer screens. Every day hundreds of anime wall papers are getting downloaded from different sites to be used as wallpapers. This shows the popularity of this type of wallpaper. Children will especially like anime wallpapers. Characters from anime series and anime movies are used for this purpose. Comic characters are also in great demand. Most of the anime computer images have the characters in two dimensional or three dimensional appearances. This makes the anime wallpapers look as if the characters are alive on your computer screen. So, with so many options for computer wallpapers you can install new wallpapers whenever you want to enjoy the beautiful nature scenes, animal photos and anime wallpapers. Get the best wallpapers downloaded from the free to download websites and bring a piece of nature or your favorite cartoon character to your desktop.

Anime has different characters and superheroes that are depicted in many cartoons. Some of these series have become very popular throughout the years. One of the most famous anime creations would be bleach, which is a cartoon series which has spun to more than one hundred and fifty episodes to date. Bleach anime wallpaper are a big hit with its fans now you get to put Ichigo, on your desktop and maybe in his Bankai form. Ichigo is the main character of the bleach series and the story shows how he go from being a lonely boy whose mum died when he was young to a samurai ghost killing warrior.

Basically Ichigo meets some girl god or soul slayer, I think that is what they are called who gives him some of her power and he too becomes one. So you get to travel through his many adventures watching him killing the bad guys and sometimes fighting with the good guys and becoming a full fledged warrior who I believe can kick most of those dude butts.

The bleach anime wallpaper features all the stars of the anime cartoon series as well as the bad guys. You get to put them up on your desktop and change them at will. You can find most of these wallpapers if Google the word bleach, where you will find several website willing to give you free wallpapers.

Join the fun and get yourself bleach anime wallpaper which you can put up on your desktop. Watch the anime cartoon series and get to choose who your favorite of the characters portrayed in the cartoon. Enjoy the wonderful bright and beautiful colors which are mixed together to showcase great bleach wallpapers.